Church HTML Template
- Modern, Flat & Unique Design.
- Bootstrap Grid Layout.
- Effects And Animations
- w3c valid html5 & css3
- Fully Responsive
- Cross Browser Compatible
- SEO Friendly
- Easy to Edit & Customize
- Working AJAX Contact Form
- Well Written Commented HTML5 & CSS3 code
- Detailed documentation
Template folders and files are divided as following.
- css - contains css files
- webfonts - contains fonts files
- images - contains images
- js - contains javascript files
- index.html - Main landing page
- index-video.html - Hero Video Background
- index-slider.html - Hero Slider Layout
- about.html - About us page
- service.html - Service Page
- service-single.html - Service Single Page
- sermons.html - Sermons List Page
- sermons-single.html - Sermons Single Page
- ministries.html - Ministries List Page
- ministry-single.html - Ministry Single Page
- campaign.html - Campaign List Page
- campaign-single.html - Campaign Single Page
- blog.html - Blog Archive page
- blog-single.html - Blog Single page
- pastor.html - Pastor page
- gallery.html - Gallery page
- contact.html - Contact us page
- 404.html - Page Not Found page
- form-process.php - contact form process file
We have used following CSS files to create different layout.
- bootstrap.min.css - Framework
- slicknav.min.css - Responsive Slick Menu
- swiper-bundle.min.css - Swiper carousel
- all.css - Font icons font-awesome
- animate.css - animated css
- mousecursor.css - Mouse cursor css
- magnific-popup.css - popup for screenshot, images & video
- plyr.css - Audio Player css
- custom.css - Css file for layout
We have used following Javascript files to create different layout.
- jquery-3.7.1.min.js - Javascript library
- bootstrap.min.js - Bootstrap framework
- validator.min.js - Contact form validation
- jquery.slicknav.js - Responsive Menu
- swiper-bundle.min.js - Swiper carousel
- jquery.waypoints.min.js - Trigger a function when you scroll to an element
- jquery.counterup.min.js - Animates a number from zero (counting up towards it)
- jquery.magnific-popup.min.js -Magnific popup
- parallaxie.js - Parallax Effect
- SmoothScroll.js - SmoothScroll
- gsap.min.js - GreenSock Library
- magiccursor.js - Magic Animated Cursor
- SplitText.js - Split Paragram to Words and Charactor
- ScrollTrigger.min.js - Trigger a Text Effect
- jquery.mb.YTPlayer.min.js - Youtube video background
- wow.js - Animation
- plyr.js - Audio Player Library
- function.js - configuration code for layout
Note: We have included only required file in particular layout.
index-video.html - Default is self hosted video background.
To use Youtube video open the file index-video.html
in editor after that remove the selfhosted code and uncomment the Youtube code See the below screenshot
form-process.php - is used for sending an email
You need to add your email, please open "form-process.php" file and edit variable $EmailTo.
$EmailTo = "info@yourdomain.com";
Twitter Bootstrap framework:
Images in preview are used from:
Note : The images used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the preview purpose.