
Dentist & Dental Clinic HTML Template



Template folders and files are divided as following.

  1. css - contains css files
  2. webfonts - contains fonts files
  3. images - contains images
  4. js - contains javascript files
  5. index.html - Main landing page
  6. index-2.html - Hero Version 2
  7. index-3.html - Hero Version 3
  8. index-4.html - Hero Version 4
  9. index-5.html - Hero Version 5
  10. about.html - About us page
  11. service.html - Service Page
  12. service-single.html - Service Single Page
  13. blog.html - Blog Archive page
  14. blog-single.html - Blog Single page
  15. team.html - Team page
  16. team-single.html - Team Details page
  17. appointment.html - Book Appointment page
  18. gallery.html - Gallery page
  19. technology.html - Technology page
  20. testimonials.html - Technology page
  21. faqs.html - FAQs page
  22. contact.html - Contact us page
  23. 404.html - Page Not Found page
  24. form-process.php - contact form process file
  25. form-appointment.php - Appointment form process file

We have used following CSS files to create different layout.

  1. bootstrap.min.css - Framework
  2. slicknav.min.css - Responsive Slick Menu
  3. swiper-bundle.min.css - Swiper carousel
  4. all.css - Font icons font-awesome
  5. animate.css - animated css
  6. mousecursor.css - Mouse cursor css
  7. magnific-popup.css - popup for screenshot, images & video
  8. custom.css - Css file for layout

We have used following Javascript files to create different layout.

  1. jquery-3.7.1.min.js - Javascript library
  2. bootstrap.min.js - Bootstrap framework
  3. validator.min.js - Contact form validation
  4. jquery.slicknav.js - Responsive Menu
  5. swiper-bundle.min.js - Swiper carousel
  6. jquery.waypoints.min.js - Trigger a function when you scroll to an element
  7. jquery.counterup.min.js - Animates a number from zero (counting up towards it)
  8. jquery.magnific-popup.min.js - Magnific Popup
  9. jquery.mb.YTPlayer.min.js - Background Youtube Video Player
  10. parallaxie.js - Parallax Effect
  11. SmoothScroll.js - SmoothScroll
  12. gsap.min.js - GreenSock Library
  13. magiccursor.js - Magic Animated Cursor
  14. SplitText.js - Split Paragram to Words and Charactor
  15. ScrollTrigger.min.js - Trigger a Text Effect
  16. wow.js - Animation
  17. function.js - configuration code for layout
Note: We have included only required file in particular layout.
form-process.php - is used for sending an email 
You need to add your email, please open "form-process.php" file and edit variable $EmailTo.
$EmailTo = "";
form-appointment.php - is used for sending an email 
You need to add your email, please open "form-appointment.php" file and edit variable $EmailTo.
$EmailTo = "";

font library

  1. fontawesome : Here you can see icon cheatsheet
Twitter Bootstrap framework:
Images in preview are used from:
Note : The images used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the preview purpose.