Kids Sports Activity

Find out which items we need for our chur5h's programs and services.

$0 of $9,870
40% Donations

Current Fundraising Campaigns

Find out how you can contribute to our ongoing fundraising efforts.

$0 of $9,870
98% Donations

endowment gifts

Learn about making endowment gifts to secure the future of our church.

$0 of $9,870
77% Donations

tithes and offerings

Understand the significance of regular tithes and offerings in sustaining.

$0 of $9,870
93% Donations

planned giving

Explore planned giving options to leave a lasting legacy for our church.

$0 of $9,870
60% Donations

community fundraisers

Join us in community fundraisers to support various church initiatives.

$0 of $9,870
80% Donations